Become a member

Join us!

Would you like to become a member of CUCCU?

Membership is simple, and available to anyone working at Credit Union Consultants, employees of the Credit Union and members of the immediate family.

Come visit us at your most convenient branch and our member service representatives will be happy to help you with enrollment. 

Member Identification Requirements

In accordance with Section 326 of the USA Patriot Act, applicants for new accounts are requested to provide current picture identification that verifies identity including name, address, and other identifying information.

In some cases, identification will be requested for current account holders if original documentation was not obtained with the opening of the account. In all cases, protection of our members’ identity and confidentiality is our pledge to you.

Monetary Requirements

A $5.00 initial deposit is required to gain a "share" of the credit union.  This deposit must be maintained to retain membership qualifications.

It is Easy!

Simply click on the blue "Become a Member" icon on the left side of this page and fill in the request form. A Member Service Representative will contact you to assist you with completing enrollment. If you have questions, give us a call at (937) 434-8183.